Switch to Energy Australia: Save on your Energy Bill

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Finding the best energy retailer in Australia for any particular area can feel like quite the chore. For that reason, many Australians opt for Tier-1 providers, like Energy Australia, to handle their energy needs for their homes or businesses. If you’ve been meaning to connect to Energy Australia for your electricity and gas but don’t know how to-you’re in the right place!

In this article, we’ll walk you through some easy steps for switching over and dive into why it could be a smart move for you.

Research and Compare Rates

The first step in switching to Energy Australia is to be sure that it’s the right provider for you. And how do you find that you ask? Your safest bet is to research and compare their rates with your current energy rates. You can easily do this by visiting Energy Australia’s website or using an online comparison tool. Use a recent copy of your bill, go to the rate breakdown section to find your current rates, and then simply compare them to the one Energy Australia is offering for your postcode.

If you want to skip this step altogether, you can sign up on Cheap Bills. One of our sales agents will help you compare for free since Energy Australia is one of our trusted partners. To simplify the process, you can also attach a copy of your bill to the form on the website when you sign up. If you want, you can crop out the private information from your copy of the bill before you submit it. 

Energy Australia offers competitive rates, special deals, and discounts for new customers. By comparing rates, you can ensure you get the best deal for your area.

Check for Exit Fees

Before making the switch, checking if your current energy provider has any exit fees is important. These fees can make it more expensive to switch to a new provider. If your current provider charges exit fees, it is best to consider waiting until your contract ends before switching to Energy Australia. To find out when your contract ends, check the initial welcome pack from your current provider. If you struggle to get your hands on it, you can reach out to your provider and simply ask them when your contract ends. 

Choose Your Plan

Now that you’ve completed the previous steps, you need to pick a plan from Energy Australia. They do offer a variety of plans to suit different energy needs, so do your research before you pick one. They have plans for both electricity and gas. Remember to take the time to carefully consider your energy usage and choose the plan that best fits your needs and budget. You can also ask for recommendations from the customer service representative based on your own usage and budget.

Electricity connection: Power lines in a city

Common Energy Australia Energy Plans include:

  • Flexi Plan: This plan is available for gas and electricity. It includes variable energy rates with no lock-in contracts.
  • Solar Max and Flexi Plan: This plan is available for gas and electricity and provides a higher feed-in tariff than the standard.
  • Rate Fix Plan: This plan is available for gas and electricity and allows you to secure your energy rates for 12 months.
  • Basic Home Plan: This plan is available for gas and electricity. Provides standing offer prices

Keep in mind that some plans may require a contract, while others may offer more flexibility.

The good news? All the plans outlined here are available for New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, the Australian Capital Territory, and Queensland. However, to check the eligibility and availability of plans for your registered address, contact Energy Australia or Cheap Bills.

Get Necessary Information Ready

To switch to Energy Australia, you must provide some necessary information. This may include your personal details, current energy provider, and account number. This information will help Energy Australia set up your account for your address. For the sake of an identity check, you might need to provide an official ID, such as a driver’s license.

Contact Energy Australia

Comparing energy rates and choosing a retailer is the most complex part. Once you’re done with your research and have picked Energy Australia all you have to do is simply get in touch with them or sign-up through third-party. You can contact them directly by visiting their website or calling their customer service line.

Energy Australia’s customer service will guide you through the process of switching providers. Remember to have your current energy bill on hand, as they may ask for your account number and usage information.

Utilising Comparison Companies

You can also sign up with the help of reliable third parties such as Cheap Bills to compare and switch your energy provider. This especially applies if you want a rate-to-rate comparison to ensure that the plan you opt for is cheaper.  With help from trained agents, you can clear all your confusion and sign up for free over one simple call.

Cheap Bills will assist you in the following areas, all for free:

  • Compare your current electricity plan with available energy retailers.
  • Compare your current gas rates with available energy retailers.
  • Recommend the plan best for your area and tariff code.
  •  If the results of the comparison are positive, Cheap Bills will sign you up to switch to the new retailer for free
  • Answer all your energy-related questions.
  • Complete all this in just one call.

Enjoy Your New Energy Provider

What’s left to do? Sit back and enjoy the benefits of being a customer of a reliable tier-1 provider for your energy. You can expect competitive rates, dependable service, and excellent customer support. Plus, with their online portal and app, managing your energy usage and bills has never been easier.

Besides Energy Australia, Cheap Bills also has several other energy providers to help you find your match. The good news? You can compare, switch and save all over one fifteen-minute call. You are also spared from the trouble of comparing plans with individual retailers.

 Cheap Bills works with the following energy retailers:

Important Note: All the rates, plans and offers stated in this article are subject to change at the provider’s discretion and might not be updated after the publish date unless stated otherwise. We try our best to update all the rates mentioned in our blogs as soon as possible. All articles updated will have the update dates mentioned. Thank you for your patience!

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