Whether you’re looking for a better electricity deal or simply just want to find out more about electricity providers in Australia you’ve come to the right place. We present a list of electricity providers that we partner with.
In Australia except for Western Australia electricity is deregulated which essentially means that the government which was traditionally in control of the energy sector no longer holds that control. Instead, the power has shifted to private energy companies who are free to set their own price without much interference from the government.
This allows for a much more competitive market where energy providers can offer many different electricity offers and deals. Since the deregulation of electricity there have been many more electricity providers coming onto the market.
With these providers comes more choice for the consumer but also more confusion as you often don’t know which offer is best for you. Thankfully comparing has never been easier with Cheap Bills who is 100% committed to finding the best deal for you.
Our team has compiled together for you a list of what we consider to be the best and cheap electricity providers in Australia. These are the most updated and current offers as our team conduct in depth research regularly to bring you the latest and best electricity offers to you.
We might as well quickly tell you here that it can be easier and sometimes cheaper to bundle both your energy and gas together with the one provider. It also makes for less paperwork as you get one bill instead of two. Easier to track! However don’t just assume that you’ll be saving money with these bundles. Do your research and shop around to see if you’re getting the best deal and if you’re actually saving money long-term. Some bundles save you a little money short-term but nothing for the long-term.
To find out more about electricity providers in Australia and which one is the best one for you leave it to our comparison experts at Cheap Bills who will help you find the right provider. Just Contact Us today and you’ll have the right provider.
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