Why do I need to take a gas meter reading?

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If you’re one of the more than two million Australians who use natural gas in your home, then it’s important to learn how to read your gas meter. Understanding your meter can help you become more energy efficient, allow you to track your usage and help you make sure you’re paying the right amount on your gas bill. Most importantly, all of these things can help you save money!

Read on to find out more about the money-saving methods hidden in your gas meter!

  • What type of gas meter do I have?
  • How do I take a gas meter reading?
  • I’ve noticed an issue with my gas meter reading
  • Compare gas plans today!

What type of gas meter do I have?

What type of gas meter do I have


The type of gas meter you have in your home or small business will be either an imperial or metric model. Both types work by measuring and displaying your natural gas consumption. The best type for your situation will depend on the type of regulator and gas pressure on your property.

The difference between an imperial and metric gas meter is discussed below.

Types of gas meter
  • Measurement: Cubic feet
  • Dial: Analogue cyclonic
  • Imperial gas meters are currently being phased out of use as they use outdated technology.
  • Measurement: Cubic meters
  • Dial: Digital numeric
  • Metric gas meters are a new technology that are installed in all new builds in Australia.

How do I take a gas meter reading?

How do I take a gas meter reading

If you have ever wondered what the gas meter reader is doing when they come to visit, you are about to find out! Even though your energy retailer will take readings on your behalf, knowing how to do it yourself means you can cross-check the readings and make sure your bill is correct.

  • Find your gas meter

If you don’t already know where your meter is, some common places to look are on the outside back wall, front porch and next to your electricity meter. If you are in an older home, try in the laundry, hallway, under the sink or in the garage. In complexes and apartments, the meter could be in the basement, carpark or under your sink.

If you can’t find your gas meter, call your distributor or talk to the gas meter reader on the next visit.

  • Check the meter number

It’s important to check that your meter number matches the one on your bill. You will find it on the face plate of your gas meter. In New South Wales, look for a number starting with two letters followed by six numbers, or in Victoria look for four numbers followed by two letters.

If it doesn’t match your bill, contact your retailer immediately to have the error rectified.

  • Take a gas meter reading – imperial

If you have an imperial meter you will see a series of clock faces displaying your gas consumption. You need to read each clock face from left to right to create your reading. If the pointer on any of the clocks is between two numbers, record the lower one.

On an older dial, you might see two additional dials on the top or bottom of the meter face. These are for testing purposes so don’t include them in your reading.

The final step in an imperial reading is converting your cubic feet into cubic meters to match your bill – 35.3 cubic feet is equal to one cubic meter.

  • Take a gas meter reading – metric

There’s good news if you have a metric meter – the process is a little simpler! You will see eight numbers on the digital display which you record from left to right. You should disregard any red numbers which are for testing purposes.

To convert your reading to cubic meters, move the decimal point over two spaces, for example, if your reading is 12.345, this is equal to 1,234.5 cubic metres.

  • Take a gas smart meter reading

Currently, gas smart meter readings are uncommon but are available through specialised companies. You will need a gas meter upgrade to take advantage of a smart meter. 

Similarly to electricity smart meters, gas smart meter readings can send your usage directly to your retailer, as well as provide data to an app on your phone so that you can easily track your energy usage. 

You can find out all about smart meters for your home here: How a smart meter could be the answer to cheap electricity and gas.

I’ve noticed an issue with my gas meter reading

I’ve noticed an issue with my gas meter reading

Your gas distributor is responsible for the maintenance of your gas meter, while your retailer is responsible for issuing your bill. If you have noticed an issue, you should inform your retailer immediately.

They will either rectify the issue themselves or inform the distributor on your behalf if it is a maintenance issue. 

Your distributor is determined by where you live. You can find out more with the links below.

State Region Distributor
Victoria Various Australian Gas Networks

Multinet Gas

AusNet Services

New South Wales Tamworth Central Ranges System
Sydney, Newcastle, Central Coast, Wollongong and parts of country NSW Jemena Gas Networks (NSW)
Wagga Wagga Wagga Wagga Gas Distribution Network
South Australia All of SA Australian Gas Networks
ACT All of ACT Evoenergy
Tasmania All of TAS Tas Gas Networks

Compare gas plans

Compare gas plans

There’s no point knowing how to track and record your gas usage if you’re not connected to an electricity and gas plan that will save you money! Switching electricity and gas to a bundled plan will often get you the best value for your energy compared to individual accounts for each utility.

Comparing electricity plans and gas plans can be time-consuming and overwhelming, with a variety of rates, incentives and discounts to wade through before you find the cheap option. We have compiled some of our favourite plans in the table below to compare energy in Victoria. 

However, the best value energy plan for your home will depend on where you live and should be tailored to your unique energy usage needs, so talk to a CheapBills expert to find the best option for you.

Cost per month*
Provider Plan Gas only Electricity and gas bundle
EnergyAustralia Flexi Plan $138^ $204^
Tango Energy Gas Select / Tango Blue $101^ $223^
ActewAGL Cool Credit Plan  $179^^ $366^^
Origin Energy Flexi Rate ePlus $106^ $212^
AGL Energy Value Saver $117^ $221^

*Prices are correct in November 2022. Based on the providers’ estimated ‘medium’ household gas usage

^Rates for customers in Melbourne postcode 3000

^^Rates for customers in Canberra postcode 2600

Compare gas plans

Next steps

Whether you are moving home electricity and gas to a new property, or just to find a better deal, knowing how to take a gas meter reading puts you in control. Call a CheapBills expert today on 1300 786 045 to find the best gas plan for your home. We will compare plans, connect electricity and gas to your new retailer, and even find you a deal on an NBN plan and Pay TV Australia at the same time.

Call us today on 1300 786 045 or enter your details online.

Important Note: All the rates, plans and offers stated in this article are subject to change at the provider’s discretion and might not be updated after the publish date unless stated otherwise. We try our best to update all the rates mentioned in our blogs as soon as possible. All articles updated will have the update dates mentioned. Thank you for your patience!

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