Discover Cheap Electricity Plans in Brisbane – Compare Energy Deals

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Anyone who has been to Brisbane in the summer knows how important air conditioning is! But sunny days and hot, humid nights can lead to surging electricity bills, especially if you haven’t taken the time to compare energy plans in the last 12 months. 

Don’t let unpredictable energy costs spoil your fun in the sun. CheapBills is here to help you find cheap electricity and gas deals in Brisbane from our panel of energy providers Australia.

Understanding Your Current Plan

Before you can make savings, you need to understand what you currently pay for your energy connection. Your bill is made up of a supply charge from the distributor and a usage charge. The amount you pay for your usage might be broken down into different tariffs, with different rates for off-peak usage or controlled loads. If you are on a single-rate tariff, then you have found a good place to start looking for savings when you compare electricity plans! 

Knowing the ins and outs of your current plan will help you make an informed decision when you compare energy plans to the other power suppliers available in your area.

Understanding Your Queensland Electricity Usage

It’s also important to understand how and when your household uses your electricity and gas connection so you can look for the right tariffs when you compare energy providers. You should consider how many people live there, what times they are home, whether anyone works from home and when you use energy-hungry appliances such as heating and cooling, hot water, laundry, pool pumps or charging an electric car.

If you have a smart meter, you can use your in-home device or app to review your electricity usage and determine what times of the day or days of the week you use the most and try to adjust your habits to use more during the cheapest energy periods. This can be the key to finding the right plan to suit your Queensland electricity needs.

Understanding Your Queensland Electricity Usage

Find Out Which Retailers Are Available In Your Area

If you live in Brisbane and South-East Queensland, then you have plenty of options to consider to compare energy plans. 

CheapBills will compare electricity prices from our preferred Brisbane suppliers.

Other retailers servicing the Brisbane and South-East Queensland region include AGL, Origin Energy, Alinta Energy, Dodo Power and Gas, Globird Energy, Kogan Energy, Momentum Energy, Powershop, Red Energy and ReAmped Energy. You can visit their websites to compare energy online from these retailers.

If you live in regional or rural areas of the state, then you may have to connect energy through the government-subsidised plans from Ergon Energy, which means you are unable to compare power prices

If you are unsure, call CheapBills on 1300 786 045 to discuss the options to connect electricity and gas in your area.

Compare Rates and Tariffs to Find the Best Electricity Plans

The electricity rate in South-East Queensland is determined by the Default Market Offer (DMO). Each utility provider has a Standing Offer, often called the Basic or Standard electricity and gas plan, which is equivalent to the DMO. This plan is usually the most expensive offer, and if your current benefit period (usually 12 months) has expired, you will have been automatically transferred to this plan and it’s time for an electricity and gas comparison.

Every retailer also has a range of Market Offers, which feature cheap energy prices, either as a discounted electricity rate, or a discount off your total bill.

In addition, you can compare electricity rates to suit the particular way you use power in your home. The most common are Time-of-Use tariffs, which feature low rates for electricity used in off-peak periods, and Controlled Load tariffs, which feature lower rates for certain separately metered appliances, such as pool pumps.

If you have solar panels installed, you should consider each retailer’s Solar Feed-In tariff (FiT) when you compare electricity plans to maximise the amount you earn from the excess electricity you generate.

Compare Discounts and Rewards When You Compare Electricity And Gas Plans 

In the competitive Brisbane energy market, it’s common to find discounts and rewards from electricity retailers designed to put themselves ahead of the competition when it comes time to move home or switch energy providers.

Some common offerings include sign-up credits, loyalty bonuses and pay-on-time discounts. In addition, several retailers offer rewards programs to access special deals and discounts from partner companies, including entertainment, movies, dining, hotels, travel and much more.

Compare Discounts and Rewards When You Compare Electricity And Gas Plans

Contract and Payment Options

You should consider the contract terms and conditions and payment options before you sign on the dotted line. Generally, when you compare energy plans, a fixed-term, lock-in contract will include benefits such as lower rates or $0 connection fees, however, you will have to pay exit fees if you move house or want to switch electricity provider early. 

Most electricity and gas plans are billed quarterly, however, you may be able to pay monthly if it suits your budget better. Some plans are now online or direct debit only so you need to make sure the payment terms of your plan suit your preferences when you compare electricity providers.

Customer Support

A crucial aspect to consider when you compare electricity companies, which is often overlooked, is the customer service experience. You should find out if they have 24-hour support, an Australian-based call centre and online support to suit your preferences. It’s also a good idea to look at customer reviews to see what their current customers have to say as part of your electricity provider comparison.

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Important Note: All the rates, plans and offers stated in this article are subject to change at the provider’s discretion and might not be updated after the publish date unless stated otherwise. We try our best to update all the rates mentioned in our blogs as soon as possible. All articles updated will have the update dates mentioned. Thank you for your patience!

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